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Possible new item for the site.

Possible new item for the site.
2022-12-29 00:19:17
Today I was bored and decided to wander back through the forum. And was surprised to see a lot of the topics in there were for requests for subtitles. Either a specific video, or just for all by a specific company or performer. And it struck me that a lot of the traffic there was just that, and nothing else. And some just spam the same request repeatedly. I will be honest, I have done a few requests here, and probably will not bother again. When the person requesting it could not even give a "thank you" afterwards, it kind of became "what's the point?" to me. But back on topic, has there been any consideration to a separate forum area or something on the top menu bar just for these requests? It might keep down the spamming of multiple requests for the same thing, and for those that do want to fill requests a "one stop shop" location to go to.
Re: Possible new item for the site.
2022-12-30 07:40:26
sounds good to me. Just a separate tab up there: Home Categories Forum Upload Search Requests
Re: Re: Possible new item for the site.
2023-01-01 11:36:28
Yes, it's a good idea. Actually, the forum is a big subject. As I've said before, I did it on a hurry 2 or 3 years ago, and never spent time on it. I can easily add something like "subforums", I will do it soon. But having a "real" forum is on the ToDo list for a long time. VongooB9 helped me a lot on this part (thanks again!!) but I've got some personal issues since one year, and never got time enough to complete it. That's why the recent changes on the site are just tiny things, sorry. Happy new year!