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Top 10 of all time
- popepollo (392 ratings)
- Mirushshshka (382 ratings)
- Dzekus (280 ratings)
- wisamhd (211 ratings)
- Nochvemo (157 ratings)
- truc1979 (112 ratings)
- clislouj69 (90 ratings)
- tonysoprano12345 (83 ratings)
- Nikozal (64 ratings)
- Alan123 (64 ratings)
Top 10 of last 2 months
- Nochvemo (89 ratings)
- joao75 (11 ratings)
- MartinOaks (9 ratings)
- annespain (8 ratings)
- maro (7 ratings)
- EvaManiac (6 ratings)
- wisamhd (4 ratings)
- mediancloud (3 ratings)
- twister35 (3 ratings)
- Dzekus (3 ratings)
Top uploaders
Top 15 of all time
- TamuTakDiundang (3952 subtitles)
- Salmankhan2020 (3309 subtitles)
- Satanas (2578 subtitles)
- Dzekus (1197 subtitles)
- Bender1968 (851 subtitles)
- tonysoprano12345 (602 subtitles)
- emil55 (528 subtitles)
- gluk03 (484 subtitles)
- truc1979 (401 subtitles)
- Perry1 (388 subtitles)
- Borolgin (315 subtitles)
- OnePeaceMao (289 subtitles)
- lupin (274 subtitles)
- swierszczyk69 (208 subtitles)
- BlueChip (188 subtitles)
Top 15 of last 2 months
- Lionfacial (172 subtitles)
- Dzekus (128 subtitles)
- fabrui (60 subtitles)
- Salmankhan2020 (45 subtitles)
- siyahcan (42 subtitles)
- laruz (39 subtitles)
- fanciness7796 (37 subtitles)
- ahmed1 (33 subtitles)
- twister35 (28 subtitles)
- Reod (23 subtitles)
- miroshopa (22 subtitles)
- Nochvemo (19 subtitles)
- imbatmansl (18 subtitles)
- Freejack (17 subtitles)
- Wolkie (12 subtitles)
maro posted a comment for [FamilyStrokes] Learning From Her Step Dad (English):
TeensLoveAnal - Alex Chance it's not syc
Nochvemo posted a comment for Laura's Desires (English):
There are some lines of text missing, and others barely fit into the dialogue, but overall it's acceptable.
siyahcan posted a comment for MommysGirl A Passion For Laundry (English):
thank you
Nochvemo posted a comment for Winter Heat (Spanish):
Does not correspond to the entire film.
Nochvemo posted a comment for Taboo II (Spanish):
There is not a single accent in the entire file (spelling mistakes), and some texts violate the literalness of the audio, but in general it is acceptable. Thank you.